Monday, July 26, 2010

Balms, Creams, Gels, Lotions, Oils and Ointments....

A quick Google search for pictures of 'ointments for sore muscles' came up with some interestingly funny pictures.

In my office, I'm often asked about different 'pain relieving' gels and creams.  Mostly which do I think is best, or do they really work?
The answer is often not exactly what they want to hear ... They do work, sort of.  The ingredients in most products are the same or similar.  Slightly differing concentrations of Menthol, Camphor, and Eucalyptus - sometimes mixed with other compounds such as MSM, glucosamine, etc.

They do work, in that their effect on the skin distracts the brain from the pain and reduce the brains perception of the pain. So if you are looking for something to distract your brain from the pain while the problem heals over time, and with treatment then by all means use whichever product you like.  Just keep in mind the product itself is not ‘curative’ but rather ‘palliative’ in nature.

Recently, a company offered samples to me at no charge to try on my patients.  I’m always open to trying a product offered by a company at no charge because it means that they genuinely believe in their product.  Initial response has been very good and I am leaning towards using the product in my offices.  It’s called ‘Cryoderm’ and if you are interested in trying some, come on into the office and ask for a free sample, while they last.

I like the product because it has a very strong cold sensation that seems to last much longer than similar products, as well as being non greasy and having a milder (less offensive) odor.  
The same company also sent a 'warm' sensation cream called "Thermoderm" and I can't recommend it.  It was definitely 'hot', but felt more like a sunburn than a soothing heat (and it lasted a  long time - more than one day later it was still burning).

Cryoderm Info

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